Oxygen Therapy
Posted by Anjali Pati onOxygen Therapy? Really!!
“Lack of cellular oxygen is probably the most common cause of cellular injury and may also be the ultimate
mechanism of damage.” Robbins and Cotran, Pathological Basis Of Disease.
Why pay attention to Oxygen?
“Humans can live several weeks without food, several days without water and only for several minutes without
oxygen: therefore it is our most precious nutrient.”The recent hype around oxygen therapies is justified when
we realize that
the most common element in the body is Oxygen. Compared to the Blue Zones, in modern civilization,
we are suffering from low oxygen states, especially
in large cities with smog, low plant life and automobile exhaust, which decline even further as we age.
Low oxygen states are associated with all chronic disease and cancer. Two time Nobel Laureate, Otto Warburg, proved that low oxygen states, and low intracellular pH
are associated with cancer and all chronic degenerative diseases. In simple terms, “ The prime cause of cancer
is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal cells by fermentation of sugar.”
What is Oxygen Therapy?
The current hype around oxygen therapies started with the “deep breathing movement” as it was studied with yoga,
pranayama and other practices over the past 50 years. Therefore “Oxygen therapies” can refer to the simple practices
of daily attention to correct our shallow breathing and daily outdoor exercise to advanced, active mechanisms using
an oxygen concentrator at 10-20 liters/minute during exercise
Studies and first-hand clinical results show that:
1) Deep conscious breathing alone increases oxygen saturation and has a host of measurable health benefits.
1) Deep conscious breathing alone increases oxygen saturation and has a host of measurable health benefits.
2)Exercising with Oxygen Therapy Equipment increases micro-circulation to all organs and therefore:
• Increases athletic exercise performance and muscle mass
• Decreases energy, pain, aging, inflammation, diabetes, cardiac conditions, muscle soreness in athletes and all
• Increases athletic exercise performance and muscle mass
• Decreases energy, pain, aging, inflammation, diabetes, cardiac conditions, muscle soreness in athletes and all
chronic diseases.
What can you do today to increase oxygenation to your micro-circulation?
1) Practice conscious breathing for 1 minute by bringing awareness to your breath every hour on the hour.
2) Practice coherent breathing for 5 minutes: inhale for 5 counts with hand on belly, hold for 5 counts, exhale for 5 counts,
2) Practice coherent breathing for 5 minutes: inhale for 5 counts with hand on belly, hold for 5 counts, exhale for 5 counts,
hold for 5 counts. Lying down is best for this.
3) During exercise, reduce the heart rate to under 120 beats per minute and focus on deep, slow breathing. This allows the
body to respire aerobically instead of anaerobically. It is better to exercise in natural, outdoor surroundings.
4) To accelerate the Regenerative Effect, purchase an oxygen concentrator that delivers at least 10L/min and exercise for
4) To accelerate the Regenerative Effect, purchase an oxygen concentrator that delivers at least 10L/min and exercise for
20 minutes 3 times a week on a gazelle with arm movement. 20 minutes of exercise in this fashion is equivalent to 2 hours
of regular exercise.
5) Take supplemental Blue-Green Algae (AFA) or MD PureGreens